28.01.2024, 09:53
Das Wort zum Sonntag: 
Sitzung 653, gestrichener Teil, ÜS und Hervorhebung von mir
You both believe that Ruburt is sick physically in one particular fashion. A series of subsidiary beliefs followed, to which you both most heartily and concretely subscribe. You must alter those beliefs. As long as you hold them they will be most faithfully reproduced and objectively justified.
Ruburt will not navigate properly as long as each of you believes he cannot. As long as you belabor the physical condition you are not working at altering the beliefs. Regardless of their reasons, beliefs can be changed.
Altering the beliefs automatically changes the reasons. They exist simultaneously. You are each reinforcing them now. Pollyanna as it may sound, you must each imagine Ruburt able to navigate, and take it for granted that the rest physically will follow, without trying to force the issue.
That is the only way. There is no other way. These rules work for you as well as for everyone else. You both consistently in this particular regard operate from the outside, and become deluged, hypnotized by the exterior situation. That is all I have to say.
It is all I need to say, if you would for once, each of you, clearly understand. Amen and good night.
(Seth then returned to say something about a summer [which year?] when our tactics resulted in Jane’s improvement.)
When you followed that procedure results appeared.
No answer.) But you fell back each time.
(12:30 AM.) Since you are talking to Ruburt from your outside, and telling him what to do, when you are not personally saddled in the same way that he is, then how often have you ever reassured him that he could indeed walk properly, get up easily, or joyfully tried to reinforce his confidence?
Your idea of helping him has been to remind him of the hopelessness of his condition, to impress upon him his dependence and dire straits. Now: If this is all you could do from the outside, then how difficult do you think it is for him to encourage himself from the inside?
One particular summer you each made joint effort at the kind of encouragement of which I am speaking, and you got definite results. You believed for a short time what I have been trying to tell you, and then dropped the experiment.
And now, I bid you a fond good night.

Zitat:Ihr beide glaubt, dass Ruburt auf eine bestimmte Art physisch krank ist. Eine Serie untergeordneter Glauben[ssätze] folgte, denen ihr beide höchst innig und konkret zustimmt. Ihr müsst diese Überzeugungen verändern. Solange ihr an ihnen festhaltet, werden sie getreulichst reproduziert und objektiv gerechtfertigt sein.
Ruburt wird sich nicht richtig bewegen [steuern], solange ihr glaubt, dass er es nicht kann. Solange ihr auf der körperlichen Verfassung herumreitet, solange arbeitet ihr nicht an der Änderung der Glauben[ssätze]. Ungeachtet ihrer Ursachen können Glauben[ssätze] geändert werden.
Eine Veränderung der Überzeugungen ändert automatisch die Ursachen. Sie existieren simultan. Ihr beide bekräftigt sie jetzt beständig. So schwachsinnig es auch klingen mag, müsst ihr beide euch Ruburt als fähig vorstellen, navigieren zu können und es als selbstverständlich betrachten, dass der Rest physisch folgen wird, ohne dabei zu versuchen die Sache zu erzwingen.
Das ist der einzige Weg. Es gibt keinen anderen Weg. Diese Regeln gelten für euch ebenso wie für jeden anderen. Ihr beide arbeitet in dieser speziellen Hinsicht beständig von der Außenseite und werdet überflutet, hypnotisiert von der äußerlichen Situation. Das ist alles, was ich zu sagen habe.
Es ist alles, was ich sagen müsste, würdet ihr es ausnahmsweise, jeder von euch, klar verstehen. Amen und gute Nacht.
(Seth kehrte dann zurück um etwas über einen Sommer [welchen Jahres?] zu sagen, als unsere Maßnahmen zu Janes Besserung führten.)
Als ihr dieser Methode folgtet, zeigten sich Resultate.
Keine Antwort.) Aber ihr fielt jedes Mal zurück.
Seit du zu Ruburt von außen sprichst und ihm sagst, was zu tun ist, während du nicht in der gleichen Weise persönlich belastet bist wie er es ist, wie oft hast du ihm je versichert, dass er tatsächlich richtig gehen kann, leicht aufstehen, oder hast freudig versucht seine Zuversicht zu stärken?
Deine Vorstellung davon, ihm zu helfen, bestand darin, ihn an die Hoffnungslosigkeit seines Zustands zu erinnern, ihm seine Abhängigkeit und ernste Notlage einzuprägen. Nun: Wenn das alles ist, was du von außen her tun konntest, was denkst du wie schwierig es für ihn ist, sich von innen her zu ermutigen?
Einen bestimmten Sommer bemühtet ihr euch gemeinsam um jene Art von Ermutigung, von der ich spreche, und ihr erhieltet eindeutige Ergebnisse. Ihr glaubtet für eine kurze Zeit was ich versucht habe, euch klarzumachen; und habt dann das Experiment eingestellt.
Und nun wünsche ich euch eine gute Nacht.
Sitzung 653, gestrichener Teil, ÜS und Hervorhebung von mir
You both believe that Ruburt is sick physically in one particular fashion. A series of subsidiary beliefs followed, to which you both most heartily and concretely subscribe. You must alter those beliefs. As long as you hold them they will be most faithfully reproduced and objectively justified.
Ruburt will not navigate properly as long as each of you believes he cannot. As long as you belabor the physical condition you are not working at altering the beliefs. Regardless of their reasons, beliefs can be changed.
Altering the beliefs automatically changes the reasons. They exist simultaneously. You are each reinforcing them now. Pollyanna as it may sound, you must each imagine Ruburt able to navigate, and take it for granted that the rest physically will follow, without trying to force the issue.
That is the only way. There is no other way. These rules work for you as well as for everyone else. You both consistently in this particular regard operate from the outside, and become deluged, hypnotized by the exterior situation. That is all I have to say.
It is all I need to say, if you would for once, each of you, clearly understand. Amen and good night.
(Seth then returned to say something about a summer [which year?] when our tactics resulted in Jane’s improvement.)
When you followed that procedure results appeared.
No answer.) But you fell back each time.
(12:30 AM.) Since you are talking to Ruburt from your outside, and telling him what to do, when you are not personally saddled in the same way that he is, then how often have you ever reassured him that he could indeed walk properly, get up easily, or joyfully tried to reinforce his confidence?
Your idea of helping him has been to remind him of the hopelessness of his condition, to impress upon him his dependence and dire straits. Now: If this is all you could do from the outside, then how difficult do you think it is for him to encourage himself from the inside?
One particular summer you each made joint effort at the kind of encouragement of which I am speaking, and you got definite results. You believed for a short time what I have been trying to tell you, and then dropped the experiment.
And now, I bid you a fond good night.
There is a self into which you shall grow, a strong intuitive self in full control of its own destiny so far as is possible. Seth, Session 329